We care about the privacy of our customers. This is our privacy policy:

You own, and are responsible for the contents of your site.

We allow you to choose, on your site's Setup page, if you allow anyone to "branch, check out, and copy" your site. If a site is configured to allow those actions, others can obtain the full contents and history of the site. That includes current and past versions of all files in the site, and Git logs that include email addresses and timestamps used in Git commits. If you are not comfortable with sharing this information with others, do not allow others to "branch, check out, and copy" your site.

The following data are private; we won't share them with other users, business partners, or the public at large:

  • your password
  • your email address (unless you include it in Git commits as mentioned above)
  • your phone number and postal address

Some private data may be published in aggregate, e.g. "30% of our users are registered with Gmail addresses."

We retain data in web server logs for a limited period of time, including IP addresses. We may provide this information to the owner of a site, in either aggregate or raw form. We may also provide this information to third parties as necessary to deal with sites that are being used for spamming or distribution of malware.

This service will comply with court orders to turn over your private information.